The mindsetter from

Listo Amsterdam

The name, “Listo,” embodies our approach to working with clients. In Spanish, “Preparado, listo, ya” translates to “Ready, set, go.” When a client chooses reaches out to us, they’ve already taken the first step towards change. We meet them at this pivotal moment and support them so they are prepared and set to go.


Listo Amsterdam

Listo” can also be translated as “clever”. As solution focused practitioners, we believe in the inherent wisdom of our clients. They are the experts for their life and possess the resources needed to move towards their desired future. The solution focused approach, developed by Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg offers effective tools to support people in formulating, motivating and achieving desired (behavioural) changes. As SF practitioners we accompany that process from ‘one step behind’. New solutions and necessary skills are co-created.

The Mindsetter

The Mindsetter Game is an innovative solution focused (SF) intervention. This versatile tool is available in two versions. The first was developed to apply the SF approach in therapy and coaching sessions.

Training opportunities

During the workshop, masterclass or Training session participants will experience the power of SF first hand by experimenting with the questions and interventions. With the objective of gaining the confidence to use the new skills in their own work right after the workshop.


Information about purchasing the Mindsetter game can be found in my webshop. The game can be purchased in different versions and sizes.

Let’s connect

innovative- playful- inspiring

Gesa Döringer

Gesa is an experienced SF practitioner and occupational therapist. Trained at the NIK in Bremen and Berlin, she had the privilege of learning directly from two pioneering minds of SF, Insoo Kim Berg and Yvonne Dolan.
Since settling in Amsterdam in 2007, she has been working as a jobcoach at the Amsterdam UMC’s department for adolescents with early onset psychosis. With deep respect, she bears witness to the resilience and ingenuity of her clients. She is passionate about using SF and ACT to support them while they get their life back on track.

Our story

The Mindsetter

The Mindsetter Game is an innovative solution focused (SF) intervention. This versatile tool is available in two versions. The first was developed to apply the SF approach in therapy and coaching sessions. And the second to teach it in workshops and training. In both versions the game has proven to effectively offer a safe space for reflexion and co-creation. It sets the stage for new ideas and first steps towards the outcome a client, student or team member is hoping for.

All of that is making it an excellent addition to the professional toolkit of experienced SF professionals and those new to the approach alike.

We are very pleased about the collaboration and co-creation with, among others: