Listo Amsterdam

Training opportunities

Introduction to SF

The solution-focused approach offers therapists a practical and empowering framework for helping clients overcome challenges and achieve their goals. Solution-focused therapy emphasizes clients’ strengths and resources, empowering them to take an active role in identifying and achieving their goals. This can increase clients’ confidence and self-efficacy. During the workshop, masterclass or Training session participants will experience the power of SF first hand by experimenting with the questions and interventions. With the objective of gaining the confidence to use the new skills in their own work right after the workshop.

Workshop: the Mindsetter

The Mindsetter Game© is an innovative Solution Focused intervention developed with the objective to apply the SF approach in therapy or coaching and teach it in workshops and training. The game familiarizes participants with the basic tenets and specific approach of solution focused work, which also serves as a framework for reflection and supervision. During the workshop, participants experience the game, reflect in small groups, and share examples of best practice. The goals and skills of individual colleagues and the entire team are appreciatively highlighted. That makes the game an excellent vehicle for team building and positive change.

KompACT- Introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Clients we encounter in occupational therapy have to learn to deal with an illness or drastic changes. This can give rise to a wide range of emotions and thoughts: Fears of no longer being able to work, frustration (‘Why has this happened to me?’), sadness about lost functions or dreams that no longer seem achievable, but also hope for a cure. In this process, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) represents a great enrichment for occupational therapy practice. The aim of ACT is to help people to face a situation and the associated feelings and thoughts with mindfulness and to react flexibly to them (acceptance) in order to be able to focus on the things that are really important to them (commitment).

In-house training courses:
I will gladly come to you!

Are you looking for ways to fill your team’s toolbox with new techniques?
To inspire and empower your colleagues and patients?
I would be happy to pack my Mindsetter Game and/or a suitcase full of therapy materials and come to you!

So far, my workshops have brought me to Paris, Paderborn, Lörrach, Maastricht, Telgte, Bonn, Frankfurt, Vienna, Osnabrück, Heerlen, Berlin, Hamburg, Munich and Utrecht, and new trips are on the schedule for next year. Of course, an online seminar via Zoom is also possible.

Training courses in Amsterdam:
Or will you come and visit me?

A great way to combine an inspiring training course with a weekend on the canals. The beautiful rooms of Room2Learn are located in the centre of Amsterdam. The first training courses were held here in summer 2023. It worked a treat. We’re already looking forward to the next one! Learning can be so enjoyable.

Practical tips

I would like to thank you once again for your excellent training. All your practical tips have greatly changed and, above all, improved my occupational therapy work. The scale is now a firm part of every initial session, and your questioning techniques and the OSKAR framework make every therapy session more efficient.

– Rochus Hospital Telgte (2019) –

Informative and engaging

I wanted to express my gratitude for the fantastic, informative, engaging, and individual training, and to give you a big compliment for how you guided us, various therapists, so appreciatively and constructively through these two days. It was wonderful to see how you operate in your therapeutic role and the benefits it brings to clients. I am truly eager to delve deeper into the subject matter.

– DVE online (2022) –

A practical and varied course

Thank you for your open and lively approach during the training course, in your interactions with the group and individually. It was a practical and varied course that brought a lot of joy and energy and had a coherent structure.


Very energetic

I found your training to be very energetic. Theory and practice were always perfectly intertwined for me. There was ample space for questions, exchange, and suggestions. The game was a lot of fun and sparked lively discussion. Thank you for the inspiring, positive, instructive, and, for me, brilliant weekend. (2022)

Exciting content and very structured presentation

Dear Gesa, in addition to the exciting content and the very structured PowerPoint presentation and the sequentially built scripts, I found you to be very empathetic, attentive, and pleasant.

– Insight, Bonn, 2021 –

The content was so perfectly suited

You have a very pleasant way of presenting! It’s evident that you’re deeply passionate about the topic! The content was so perfectly suited to my therapy practice; I will be able to make great use of it.

– Insight Occupational Therapy 2020 –