in the media

Systemisch-lösungsorientierte Therapie
People tend to focus mainly on problems. This often gets in their way as they lose sight of resources and goals. A solution focused perspective is more promising and motivating because it fosters hope for possible positive changes. For clients in challenging situations, this can make a crucial difference.
The questioning techniques and interventions of SF assist therapists and clients in searching for and (re)discovering new solutions and their own resources.
In six chapters, this handbook guides therapists in adopting the SF perspective and applying the interventions. The first three chapters provide a short introduction of the most important components of SF. The following three chapters offer a well-stocked toolbox of questions and interventions for therapeutic practice. Worksheets for clients and reflection sheets for therapists for download facilitate the transfer into their own work.
Performance Skills: der Podcast

Folge 61- mit Gesa Döringer- Der Mindsetter – Performance Skills | Podcast on Spotify
Psychiatrie im Alltag

Andreas and Werner talk with Gesa Döringer about Solution foucused therapy (SF) – in German
Andreas and Werner talk with Gesa Döringer about Treatment of adolescents with early onset psychosis in Amsterdam – in German
Andreas and Werner talk with Gesa about ACT – in German
Ayse Adil and Joe Lettieri talk with Gesa about the Mindsetter Game.
Other publications
- Glaube nicht alles, was Du denkst – Akzeptanz- und Commitmenttherapie (ACT) – Et Reha 60. , 2021, Nr. 9: Hrsg. DVE
- Kapitel Ergovaardig (2021/2022) Ergovaardig deel 2 (4e druk) | Van Dijk, Nas, Van Barschot, Derkx | 9789024437047 | Boom hoger onderwijs
- Bezahlte Arbeit als Medizin, Anwendung von IPS im Jobcoaching junger Patienten mit einer Psychose inden Niederlanden Praxis Ergotherapie Ausgabe 4/2017
- Oplossingsgericht werken: Doen Ergotherapie Magazine 2020
- Lösungen (er)finden –Der Einsatz systemisch lösungsorientierter Gesprächsführung in derErgotherapieGesa Döringer Praxis Ergotherapie, Ausgabe 1/2017 Hrs: Verlag modernes Lernen
- Produktivität und Teilhabe am Arbeitsleben Höhl, W. Köser, P. (2015)